題名: Regulate-SAGE: Mining Software for Serial Analysis of Gene Expression Data
作者: Yang, Cheng-Hong
Shih, Tsung-Mu
Gu, De-Leung
Chang, Hsueh-Wei
Chuang, Li-Yeh
關鍵字: Serial Analysis of Gene Expression
Gene Expression Omnibus
Tag per million
期刊名/會議名稱: 2008 ICS會議
摘要: SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression) is a powerful method that allows the analysis of complete gene expression patterns with computer-aided digital analysis. SAGE libraries are available in both NCBI and NCI-CGAP for paralleled comparison on-line. However, the multiple-group comparisons among SAGE libraries are still challenging, especially for mining of tissue-specific gene candidates. We had developed an effective stand-alone software for analyzing SAGE data. In the first module, biologists can mine the regulative information of genes among different SAGE libraries and make the cross-analysis and comparison in various genes. In the second module, our proposed software also provides a friendly platform to query gene expression of interested SAGE tags in a selected SAGE library. Moreover, analyzing SAGE data in various organisms are acceptable. We are the first to provide friendly cross-analyzing and comparative interface of SAGE libraries to our knowledge. It is very important for transcriptomic studies in silico in cost-effective manner. Availability: ftp://[email protected]/2008 0824-RegulateSAGE.zip
日期: 2009-02-12T07:21:35Z
分類:2008年 ICS 國際計算機會議

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